BuyLog Flippingbook APR 2024



— ReliaMod™ THQL and TEY tenant breakers for 125A socket meter stacks

Ordering code construction - THQL tenant breaker







ABB identification

— THQL Frame Tenant Breaker

Interrupting rating H = 10 kAIC HH = 22 kAIC

Amperage 40A = 40 50A = 50 60A = 60 70A = 70 80A = 80

90A = 90 100A = 100 110A = 110 125A = 125

Breaker type QL = Plug in (1” Per Pole)

Poles 2 = 2P

Voltage rating 2 = 120/240 Vac

Ordering code construction - TEY tenant breaker


2 125 MM


2 125 MM

ABB identification TEY or TEYF = 65 kAIC @ 240V

ABB identification TEYL = 100 kAIC @ 240V

Poles 2 = 2P

Poles 2 = 2P

Amperage 40A = 40 50A = 50 60A = 60 70A = 70 80A = 80

Amperage 40A = 40 50A = 50 60A = 60 70A = 70 80A = 80

90A = 90 100A = 100 110A = 110 125A = 125

90A = 90 100A = 100 110A = 110 125A = 125

Application MM = Modular metering tenant breaker

Application MM = Modular metering tenant breaker

— TEYF/TEYL Frame Tenant Breaker

— TEY Frame Tenant Breaker

Note: ReliaMod™ meter stacks are designed to accept only certain tenant breaker frames based on their kAIC. There are meter stacks that only accept 10-22 kAIC tenant breakers and different meter stacks that only accept 42-100 kAIC tenant breakers. These tenant breakers are not interchangeable between different designs of stacks. Please be sure you are selecting the correct meter stack type based on the kAIC of tenant breaker you are using as well as the available series ratings in DET-008. The modular metering configurator in ABB empower can help assist in the correct product selection.

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