LV eBook

— Lower total system cost with QuiXtra

How is this achieved?

Value to panel builder Example of a project using line ups containing 80 MCCBs (100kA); 50 MCCBs (80kA) and 30 MCCBs (50kA).

Installing an upstream device that limits the prospective short-circuit values will enable the user to utilize downstream devices with lower breaking capacities. Our breaker features, such as Back-Up Protection, Selectivity Plus and ArcWatch, allow coordination between devices and excellent breaking capacity at a lower cost.

$3500 100kA – 800A MCCB Cost $980 80kA – 250A MCCB Cost $150 50kA – 100A MCCB Cost

$2900 80kA – 800A MCCB Cost $640 50kA – 250A MCCB Cost $130 36kA – 100A MCCB Cost

x 80

36kA (instead of 50kA)

x 50

50kA (instead of 80kA)

x 30

80kA (instead of 100kA)


$65,600 Est cost reduction with breakers for this example

Slide 3

August 8, 2018

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